“We had been warming up for ten minutes when Barça took the field to do it”

S. D.



The earthquake that shakes Can Barça these days as a result of the announcement of Leo messi wanting to leave the club has a lot to do with the painful defeat suffered in the quarterfinals of the Champions League against Bayern Munich. That day, the Barcelona not only was he eliminated, but he suffered the worst defeat in his history. Days later, the German team would be proclaimed champion of the competition

Now, with the Germans still savoring the triumph and the Spaniards not being able to see the end of the tunnel, Thomas Müller, one of the protagonists of 2-8, has spoken about what happened that day on the Lisbon field: «I congratulate our sports coach. Just an example. We had been warming up for ten minutes when Barça took the field to warm up. They were very relaxed. That doesn’t have to mean anything. The meeting could have ended differently, but I think we were very hungry, “he said at a ceremony for the furniture company. Höffner.

Asked about the news of the moment, the possible departure of Messi from Barcelona, Müller said the following: «Messi is among the best footballers on the planet, perhaps the best of the last 100 years looking at football history. Hats off to his career. Now a change is coming that could be interesting for the world of football. Apart from the Barcelona fans, something I can understand, the rest see him in a less critical way and with enthusiasm to see the new path he takes.

In this sense, the German joked about the possibility of signing the Argentine for Bayern: “I have spoken to our CFO a couple of times and I don’t think we can do anything about it.” Shortly after, he praised the still ten Barça player:

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