Vallejo’s second loan to Granada is now official

Jesús Vallejo is already a Granada player and will join training if the PCR test he underwent yesterday, already in the Andalusian city, gives a negative result. Both the rojiblanco club and Real Madrid have officially announced the transfer until June 2021 and without a purchase option. It is a lightning operation that was closed on Sunday and yesterday gave, as far as documentation is concerned, an important acceleration.

The footballer will play where he himself has chosen, convincing the white club that Granada was the right place to continue growing. It was not easy, because the entity chaired by Florentino Pérez had a good asset in Vallejo to make cash, looking for some 7 or 8 million euros in the market for 50% of the rights of the hand. However, both the player and Granada insisted to finally agree on a new loan.

At the age of 23, Jesús Vallejo will add one more season as a rojiblanco, with the possibility of playing in Europe and the option of earning a place in the eleven since preseason. That did not happen in the young defender’s previous experience in Los Cármenes, who arrived in January with a squad that had a very established couple in Germán and Duarte. However, he did contribute his ball output and forcefulness back in up to 14 games, some of them very prominent such as the one against Valencia in the Copa del Rey.

With the center-back, a squad is still being built that has a single new face, that of Luis Milla, although it has extended Soldado’s contract and has executed the purchase options for Gonalons and Foulquier.



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