Trevor Lawrence triggers the #WeWantToPlay movement, the goal of the players association, as the 2020 season stays in balance

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The autumn CFB season will not be played, according to two Power Five ads

The 2020 college football season seems to be collapsing before our very eyes amid the coronavirus pandemic. The Power Five conference commissioners held a meeting on Sunday to discuss the feasibility of the autumn football game. There will be another meeting on Monday, reported Dennis Dodd of CBS Sports. Some Power Five conferences seem to have a tendency not to play this fall, perhaps in hopes of postponing the season to spring.

This led to some of college football’s biggest stars taking the floor on Sunday to save the season, channeling the #WantToPlay movement of NFL players. Clemson quarterback Trevor Lawrence explained his position on a three-post Twitter thread that started a round of tweets from other stars who followed in his footsteps. At midnight, #WeWantToPlay, along with #WeAreUnited, called not only to play college football in the fall, but to do so safely and ultimately to create a college football players’ association.

“People are just as at risk, if not more risky, if we don’t play,” wrote the junior caller on Sunday. “All players are sent home to their own communities, where social distancing is highly unlikely and there will be medical care and costs for the families when they sign COVID-19. Not to mention the players who come out of situations for which they are not good at. ” they / their future and have to come back to it. Football is a safe haven for so many people.

“We are more likely to get the virus on a day-to-day basis than we do when we play football. Having a season is also an incentive for players to be safe and take all the right precautions to avoid covering up because the safety of the season / teammates is at stake. Without them. ” Season, as we’ve seen before, people won’t be social distancing or wearing masks and taking proper precautions. ”

The game’s other monster star, Ohio State quarterback Justin Fields, also added his thoughts. Fields later tweeted the # WeAreUnited X # WeWantToPlay graphic, as did a number of other college football players in a midnight tweet storm that was number 1 in the US.

Notre Dame quarterback Ian Book also participated in the hashtag #WeWantToPlay.

Amari Rodgers, KJ Henry and James Skalski – three of Lawrence’s teammates at Clemson – joined the # WeWantToPlay movement.

Several other players tweeted their desire to let the 2020 season play, including North Carolina quarterback Sam Howell.

Florida Runs Back Lorenzo Lingard will live in a bubble if he can.

Texas A&M defense attorney Jaylon Jones interfered.

Florida state attorney Jaiden Lars-Woodbey will even sign a liability form.

While the Big Ten is reportedly the conference that could create a domino effect among the Power Five leagues, their players and parents are not exactly thrilled with the idea of ​​postponing the season. Dr. Corey Teague, father of the Ohio State star who trailed Master Teague, tweeted a letter on behalf of the Football Parents Association in the state of Ohio (FPAOS).

“As parents, we firmly believe in it. Our sons want to play next season and have the full confidence of the university, and the coaching team has long worked with medical experts to find a safe way to achieve this,” the letter said. “We believe this age group represents some of the healthiest people, while we recognize that the risk cannot be eliminated, we believe the risk is minimal and the season can be safe and responsible.”

Players from the Big Ten and Pac-12 have already formed groups to call for reforms that benefit the health, well-being and financial stability of athletes. This is just the latest point in an off-season that has shown players that they are able to make changes and speak up on a wide variety of topics. If successful, members of the # WeWantToPlay movement could be viewed as the people who saved college football season.


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