Termination after coronavirus demo: Joshiko Saibou takes legal action against Baskets Bonn

Basketball professional Joshiko Saibou will take legal action against his termination at Telekom Baskets Bonn. He confirmed this to the German Press Agency. The 30-year-old said he should be set an example wrongly.

The club had justified the termination, among other things, that Saibou had deliberately disregarded protective measures and was credible that he would do this again. “In his contract as a professional athlete it is clearly stated that he has to take care of himself and his body,” it said. Sports lawyer Christof Wieschemann then told SPIEGEL that he considered the termination without notice to be illegal.

The president of the Bundesliga team Telekom Baskets Bonn, Wolfgang Wiedlich, defended the club’s strict line. He rejected Saibou’s reference to freedom of expression: “Freedom of expression does not mean freedom of action. He is confusing something,” said Wiedlich. The club also accepts possible legal proceedings. “Is this termination watertight? I don’t know,” Wiedlich told SPIEGEL. “But I do think we have a basis.”

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