Naples, summit in Capri. Gattuso asked for two purchases. He decided eight transfers: Koulibay goodbye

Today’s edition of Il Mattino reports some details about the meeting that took place yesterday between De Laurentiis and Gattuso.

Yesterday market summit in Capri. Three hours of chat, with De Laurentiis skilled charmer who goes from cinema to football at supersonic speed. He also spoke to Gattuso about the project for the autonomy of the Football League. On the market De Laurentiis and Gattuso have clear ideas: serves a left defender and Callejon’s replacement. Then for the rest the players must be sold: they are in the list Allan, Ghoulam, Malcuit, Ounas, Younes, Milik, Llorente e Koulibaly.

Elseid Hysaj also remains without renewal, the Albanian has been a valuable result in this second part of the season. But Gattuso’s plan foresees that there are no players who consider their adventure at Napoli to be at the end of the line. In any case, the feeling between the two is total. It was enough for De Laurentiis and Gattuso to meet to restore peace after the misunderstandings that can arise from long-distance relationships. Napoli are confident in view of the future. This is reported in today’s edition of Il Mattino.


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