Marko praises Hülkenberg’s great qualification: ‘Hats off!’

Helmut Marko is impressed by Nico Hülkenberg’s temporary return to Formula 1. The German showed his worth in his second weekend for the Racing Point team. As a replacement for Sergio Perez, Hülkenberg managed to qualify in third place for the Grand Prix of the Seventy Years.

The Red Bull advisor can therefore not but praise the temporary Racing Point driver. ‘It’s only his second weekend. It was great to show such a performance during qualifying after such a long break. Hats off, ‘said Marko in conversation with the German RTL.

Verstappen joins Marko

Max Verstappen has been opposite before Ziggo Sport also positive about Hülkenberg. ‘You can clearly see that Racing Point has taken a step this week’, says Verstappen in conversation with Jack Plooij. ‘Then it is nice that Nico (Hülkenberg, ed.) Takes third place.’ (Photo: Getty Images / Red Bull Content Pool)


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