Mark Spitz joins the challenge of the glass on Ledecky’s head

Champions are for life, at least judging by the skill shown this weekend by Mark Spitz. The one who was seven times Olympic gold of swimming with the United States at the 1972 Munich Games continues with a great shape at 70, and so he demonstrated with the overhead glass challenge.

The American joined the viral initiative of Katie Ledecky, also an Olympic medalist, who a few days earlier had swum in an Olympic pool with a glass of chocolate milk on her head and without spilling a drop. In the case of Spitz, the chosen scenario was the home pool, and a glass full of Water. Her technique is impressive.

I did it!”Exclaims the ex-swimmer after crossing the pool. Like his compatriot, he manages to do it without spilling a drop from the glass, and unlike the young woman, the shorter distance allows him to perform the feat without the need for a breathing tube.


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