LIVE: How does the Belgian block tackle the European Cycling Championships in Plouay? | European Cycling Championships 2020

    1. Pawel Bernas (POL)
    2. Andreas Miltiadis (CYP)
    3. Dusan Rajovic (TO BE)
    4. Emil Dima (ROE)
    leading group

    1. Pawel Bernas (POL)
    2. Andreas Miltiadis (CYP)
    3. Dusan Rajovic (TO BE)
    4. Emil Dima (ROE)


The peloton can get a European champion jersey today. A strong Belgian eight-piece goes in search of the European stars in Plouay. The biggest competitors come from the French, Italian and Dutch corner. Follow the European Championship here (with live stream from 1.40 pm).

  1. 2’20 “. The quartet gets 2’20” in the lap. In the peloton, males from Ackermann (Ger) and Nizzolo (Ita) head to the head. . 12 hours 28.
  2. Xandro Meurisse rode a very strong European Championship in 2018. He then finished 6th. Matteo Trentin won that year, ahead of Mathieu van der Poel and Wout van Aert. 12 hours 26.
  3. 12.25 pm Our leaders are also contenders for this European title. I have to protect them as best I can. I am ready to make it a tough race. Xandro Meurisse.
  4. 12.20 pm End of first round. We did not have to wait long for the flight of the day. At the first passage at the finish, we identify 4 leaders. These are Pawel Bernas (Pol), Andreas Miltiadis (Cyp), Dusan Rajovic (Ser) and Emil Dima (Roe). Anyone who can enumerate this foursome by heart tomorrow deserves a kiss from the teacher! .
  5. 12 am 16. Some exotics try to set up a first flight. We recognize representatives from Poland, Cyprus and Serbia. .
  6. 12 hours 07.142 riders. The peloton has 142 interested people, because Jempy Drucker (Lux) and Patrick Gamper (Oos) also dropped out at the last minute. .
  7. 12 pm 02. It seems like an eternity ago: Jasper Stuyven won the Omloop Het Nieuwsblad at the end of February.

    It seems like an eternity ago: Jasper Stuyven won the Omloop Het Nieuwsblad at the end of February

  8. 12 pm 02. My legs from Omloop Het Nieuwsblad are almost back. . Jasper Stuyven is one of the Belgian leaders.
  9. 12 o’clock . Start! Noon has no lunch break in store for these riders. They can put their knife and fork in the narrow and winding Breton roads. Come on with the goat! .
  10. 11 hours 57. 2 “doubles”. The Belgian block reports at the starting line. The weather conditions are a lot better than yesterday at the start of the Bretagne Classic. Jasper Philipsen and Sep Vanmarcke also competed from the Belgian selection. They finished 11th and 28th on Tuesday. .
  11. 11 hours 52.
  12. 10:49 AM I hope that the guidelines and recommendations that I have just given you can add value. . National coach Rik Verbrugghe to his riders.
  13. 08h27. The riders will soon be “only” 177 kilometers in the saddle, but today’s route is quite selective. The circulation is littered with 4 pimples, but besides those “official” slopes, there are still quite a few nasty parts where the difference can be made. .
  14. The profile of the European Championship course (13 times 13.7 kilometers). 08 hours 25.
  15. 08.20. Who are the challengers of the Belgians? Belgian national coach Rik Verbrugghe – sent home after an incident – has been able to model a strong selection despite all the obstacles (corona, Tour, Brittany Classic …). On paper, Greg Van Avermaet, Oliver Naesen and Jasper Stuyven are the Belgian spearheads. The favorite role is eagerly pushed towards Arnaud Démare and Mathieu van der Poel. They impressed the French and Dutch championships three days ago. Italy lacks defending champion Elia Viviani, but with brand new Italian champion Giacomo Nizzolo, runner-up Davide Ballerini, former European champion Matteo Trentin and Diego Ulissi, there is plenty of clean people present. If it comes to a sprint, then Pascal Ackermann, Alexander Kristoff and Ivan Garcia Cortina, the leaders of Germany, Norway and Spain must certainly be taken into account. .
  16. 2 spearheads for the Belgians: future teammates Van Avermaet and Naesen. 08h20.
  17. 08h16. We have to use the strength of our selection. But the big favorites are Arnaud Démare and Mathieu van der Poel. Greg Van Avermaet.
  18. 08 am 14. The Belgian selection at this European Championship. 17 Jasper Philipsen 18 Otto Vergaerde 19 Jasper Stuyven 20 Xandro Meurisse 21 Victor Campenaerts 22 Oliver Naesen 23 Sep Vanmarcke 24 Greg Van Avermaet.
  19. 08 am 14. Back to last year: Elia Viviani beats Yves Lampaert in Alkmaar.

    Back to last year: Elia Viviani beats Yves Lampaert in Alkmaar

  20. 08 am 12. European Cycling Championships. The Tour is now really on the doorstep, but in a crazy week, the European Cycling Championships can also appeal to us. The pros start their assignment at 12 noon. The route is “only” 177 kilometers, but the roads in and around Plouay are challenging. Who will be Elia Viviani’s successor? The riders will start at 12 noon, from 1.40 pm there are images on One and with livestream on this page. .
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