LeBron James, CJ McCollum talk about the Jacob Blake shooting

Damian Lillard and Lillard’s knee injury. “data-reactid =” 19 “> Trail Blazers shooting guard CJ McCollum put it all in perspective after Race 4 and after sharing his worries about his teammate Damian Lillard and Lillard’s knee injury.

He took the opportunity to discuss the latest police brutality incident in Wisconsin.

At the end of the day, life is much bigger than the game of basketball. I’d be remiss if you didn’t talk about Jacob Blake today. Our prayers to his family and just some of the things we’ve been through as a minority in America – they have to stop.

Jacob Blake was an unarmed black man who was shot in the back at point-blank range by a white Kenosha, Wisconsin police officer. The 29-year-old is alive and in stable condition after the surgery.

Monday’s shooting is the latest in a long series of police shootings.

NBA stars spoke on the shooting of Blake as the NBA continues to speak up about police brutality and social justice." data-reactid="29">McCollum along with LeBron James and other NBA stars have talked about Blake’s shooting as the NBA continues to talk about police brutality and social justice.

And you all wonder why we say what we say about the police !! Someone please tell me what is this ??? !!! Exactly another black man being targeted. This shit is so wrong and so sad !! I feel so sorry for him, his family and OUR PEOPLE !! We want JUSTICE – LeBron James wrote on his Twitter account (Link warning – violent content)

King James also discussed the shooting after Monday’s Race 4 victory over the Blazers.

“Having the emotions of what’s going on outside of Milwaukee to … Jacob Blake. That’s what we’ve talked about and that’s what we’ll keep talking about. Having two boys of mine and I who are African American in America and for to see what continues to happen with police brutality towards my kind, continues to see what only happens with the righteous – is very concerning. “

NBA and its players continue to be outspoken about social justice and police brutality. They have used their platform in the NBA bubble to call out inequalities and injustices and continue to fight for action and change. " data-reactid="35">The NBA and its players continue to speak openly about social justice and police brutality. They used their platform in the NBA bubble to call out inequalities and injustices and keep fighting for action and change.

NBA Champion Channing Frye and Emmy Award winner Dan Sheldon and special guest Tristan Thompson]:“data-reactid =” 36 “>[Listen to the Talkin’ Blazers Podcast with hosts NBA Champion Channing Frye and Emmy Award winner Dan Sheldon and special guest Tristan Thompson]:

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