Jakob Fulsglang wins the Tour of Lombardy, the prodigy Evenepoel victim of a fall

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Jakob Fuglsang (Astana) won the 114th edition of the Tour of Lombardy in Como (northern Italy) on Saturday. An edition marked by the impressive fall of the big favorite, the Belgian prodigy Remco Evenepoel.

Usually associated with autumn and fallen leaves, the Tour of Lombardy, one of the five “Monuments” of the cycling season, was won on Saturday August 15th by the Danish Jakob Fuglsang.

At the end of the 231 kilometers that were on the program of this tour of Lombardy, the rider of the Astana team managed to extricate himself from a group of three in the last ascent of the day to add a second Monument after his victory l last year in Liège-Bastogne-Liège.

Second on the line, George Bennett tried his luck but was unable to follow Jakob Fuglsang during his attack. The race settled around sixty kilometers from the finish and a group of six riders broke away at the head of the race (Nibali, Ciccone, Mollema, Vlasov, Fuglsang, Bennett) to compete for victory.

Impressive fall of Evenepoel

Before the final, the race was marked by the fall of Evenepoel which toppled over a parapet and then into the void as the leading runners descended at high speed after climbing the terrible wall of Sormano.

His team, Deceuninck-QuickStep, confirmed that the young Belgian (20 years old) remained conscious. He was taken by ambulance to Sant’Anna Hospital in Como. The first information concerning his state of health is reassuring. Italian public television Rai mentions “bruises on a leg”.

Images taken by an AFP photographer show him indeed conscious and grimacing, without apparent injuries.

The televised images of Evenepoel’s fall, very impressive, show her bike getting stuck on a stall on the wall, after an error in the runner’s trajectory. Evenepoel then passed over his bike, his head seeming to touch the low wall of the bridge, and he fell below, about ten meters.



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