Inter market on stand-by: Perisic node, ballot on the left and waiting in midfield

The market ofInter is in stand-by. There will be no acceleration, if not for business already well underway (see the extension of the loans of Biraghi and Dalbert) because first you need to understand who will be next year’s coach. “Yesterday the meeting between Conte and Zhang (who will see Inter live again tonight after five months) was described as cordial – he writes Tuttosport – Any talk about the future has been frozen until the end of the European campaign “.

The reason for the temporary stop on certain objectives is clear: “There was a slowdown in anticipation of events, considering that Allegri he may decide to return to the back four. In this sense, the possibility that Ivan Perisic, in case of no agreement with the Bayern (also in this case all stopped by the events in progress between Germany e Portugal), can return to base. Of course, whichever coach will arrive, Inter will have to find a left side player on the market and, in addition to the “usual” Emerson Palmieri, the hypothesis related to a Filip Kostic, even a year ago Inter’s goal. Impossible, however, to make speeches related to the midfield, beyond Tonali“.



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