Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton praises Mick Schumacher

Formel-1 world champion Lewis Hamilton has a high opinion of motorsport talent Mick Schumacher (21). “I have to say he is one of the most impressive young drivers I have met. Especially when it comes to his personality, ”said the British Mercedes driver in an interview with“ Sport Bild ”about the son of record champion Michael Schumacher (51). Mick Schumacher is “a humble boy. Mick drives because he just loves to drive. “

Following in his father’s footsteps is not easy for Mick Schumacher. “Michael pushed all the limits of this sport upwards. But Mick is going his own way now, and he’s doing really great, ”said Hamilton. “He has both feet firmly on the ground, that impresses me very much.” Mick Schumacher is driving in Formula 2 this season.

The 35-year-old Hamilton can set Michael Schumacher’s record of seven world championship titles this season. Before the race on Sunday in Spa, Belgium, the ninth Grand Prix of 17 races, he is once again ahead in the overall standings. “I have to pinch myself sometimes and even remember how many titles I already have,” said Hamilton. “I don’t run through life thinking about my world title every day. Or because there are already six of them. “When he is not at the racetrack, he is” a completely normal person and does completely normal things. “

He feels extremely privileged to be able to fight for world championship titles in Formula 1. “But what drives me even more to be able to give people a voice through sport that otherwise wouldn’t have.”

Formula 1 meanwhile lashed the last four races for its emergency calendar in the Corona season. After a nine-year break, the racing series will return to Istanbul on November 15th, according to a statement on Tuesday. The Turkish Grand Prix was held on the route near the metropolis on the Bosphorus from 2005 to 2011. If the world federation Fia finds the Istanbul Park suitable for Formula 1, the fourth last race of the season will now be held there. After that, two more guest appearances are planned in Bahrain on November 29th and December 6th as well as the season finale in Abu Dhabi on December 13th.

This means that 17 World Championship races should take place this year. Originally 22 races were planned before the season was shaken up due to the corona pandemic. The Grand Prix in Shanghai, China, which had only been postponed indefinitely, was finally canceled on Tuesday. The year was an “unprecedented challenge” for the racing series, said CEO Chase Carey.

In the further course of the season, Formula 1 also wants to enable spectators to return to some routes. The details are still to be agreed with the organizers. Finally, it was still open whether a limited number of fans could be there in the stands at the Eifel race at the Nürburgring in October.



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