Coronavirus: 5 positive cases in US Ivry handball, the club stops everything

The day after the revelation in Aix of two cases of players positive for Covid-19, it is the turn of the US Ivry handball to be struck by the virus. The Ile-de-France club announced Friday noon that five cases of Covid-19 had been detected and placed in fourteen. “After four weeks of intensive preparation, the club is forced to stop the training of the professional group and the training center and to cancel the friendly preparatory matches,” said President François Lequeux in a press release.

“Obviously, we are a little anguish,” says General Manager Pascal Léandri

The Starligue club has decided to immediately stop training for 7 days. “Today, our priority is to preserve the health of all the players in the club, players, staffs, employees,” explains Pascal Léandri, Ivry’s general manager. Obviously, we are a little worried about the people affected. We will talk about handball afterwards, but, ujh stop for a week in full preparation, it is not ideal for building a group. “

The US Ivry was to start this Friday evening at Pontault-Combault (Pro League) its long series of friendly matches.

The resumption of sessions of the two groups of Ivryian players will be conditional on the results of new PCR tests. Players who have contacted the virus will have to undergo additional tests before any resumption.

The resumption of the Starligue championship, where the Karabatic brothers’ PSG will defend their title, is scheduled for the weekend of September 24-25. For his sixth consecutive season in the top flight, Ivry will travel to Nantes.


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