Colin Kaepernick writes LeBron James after NBA boycotts

NBA’s walkouts in response." data-reactid="16">LeBron James has been extremely vocal last week after Jacob Blake’s shooting in Wisconsin and amidst NBA walkouts in response.

Colin Kaepernick is right behind him.

Colin Kaepernick writes to LeBron James, thanks him for protesting

Kaepernick – who started protesting during the national anthem exactly four years before Wednesday’s walkouts – wrote a letter to James this week thanking him.

“Four years ago, on August 14, 2016, I started to protest against systemic racism and social injustice,” Kaepernick wrote to James. “The truth is what I was looking for. Solidarity is what you have shown me. Love is what keeps us going.

“Thank you for remaining faithful.”

NBA walkouts in response to the Jacob Blake shooting, LeBron James received a letter from Colin Kaepernick. (Instagram/LeBron James)" data-reactid="33">

After the NBA walkouts in response to Jacob Blake’s shooting, LeBron James received a letter from Colin Kaepernick. (Instagram / LeBron James)

James shared the letter on his Instagram Story on Friday afternoon.

“Stand / kneel right next to your brother!” I appreciate you, ”James wrote on the story.

The Milwaukee Bucks were the first team to hold a walkout Wednesday afternoon after Blake, a 29-year-old black man, was shot repeatedly in the back by police in Kenosha, Wis., On Sunday as he was shot in the back. he was trying to get into his car. He is now paralyzed from the waist down.

Every other team in the league quickly followed the Bucks’ lead – as did several other big sports leagues – and the players held a controversial and emotional meeting later that night. James, along with the Lakers and Clippers, is said to be ready to leave the season entirely at that point as well.

Still, after a call with former President Barack Obama and another round of meetings on Thursday, the league is expected to resume play on Saturday.

While there was no doubt that Kaepernick would be behind them – they are fighting for the same cause, after all – the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback is now officially the latest figure in the sports world to offer his support to the League players.

NBA's walkouts this week. (AP/Todd Kirkland)" data-reactid="50">

Colin Kaepernick has reached out to LeBron James to thank him after the NBA walkouts this week. (AP / Todd Kirkland)

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