Bucchioni: “Juventus, sensational mistake. Napoli stronger with Sarri, but in Turin it was not repeated”

Enzo Bucchioni, journalist, spoke to Maurizio Sarri on Radio Sportiva. The coach, at Juventus, has disappointed expectations.

The journalist Enzo Bucchioni made some statements during the broadcast Open Microphone, program broadcast on the broadcaster Sports Radio analyzing, among other things, what happened at Juventus during the match against Lyon: “The bianconeri played badly, but certain signs had already arrived before. I had raised the alarm a few weeks ago. Certain choices made by the bianconeri were wrong and the results can be seen on the pitch.”

Enzo Bucchioni, journalist, then added in the course of Open Microphone, program broadcast on Sports Radio: Maurizio Sarri, in Naples, thanks to his game he had also re-evaluated the players. If with Rafa Benitez the team was worth six, with him it was worth eight. The Juventus management believed that the same thing could have happened to Juventus. A sensational mistake. But Sarri’s way of playing was not suitable for the team. The players have had a crisis of rejection, they have not adapted to Sarri. With another coach the situation will improve. “


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