Barça takes full face in the Catalan press


“Historic humiliation”, “Shame”: the defeat of FC Barcelona on Friday against Bayern Munich (2-8), is singled out by sports dailies.

“Shame”: the front page of Brand.


The defeat of FC Barcelona against Bayern Munich on Friday night in the quarter-finals of the Champions League (2-8), is singled out by the Catalan media. “Historic Humiliation” is the title that comes up most often.

“Vergüenza” headlines the daily Brand. Which means: “Shame”. He then speaks of a “historic humiliation”: “Bayern inflicts on Barça their biggest defeat in the Champions League”. The generalist newspaper in Barcelona See title the same thing, but in Catalan obviously: “Vergonya”.

Daily Sport He also evokes a “historic humiliation” on the front page, the photo of Messi with his head bowed and the title framed by a black background, as if to underline the mourning of Barça.

The Sports world also chose black to frame a photo of Piqué. With the title: “Shameful end of cycle”. He also highlights the sentence in which Pique says he would be “the first to leave the club if necessary”.

As, the pro-Real Madrid daily, is obviously delighted with this defeat and points to Messi’s performance. The photo of the Argentinian, left hand in front of his mouth and totally dazed, is sufficient in itself to express the feelings that must inhabit him.

This Saturday morning, Brand continues by asking himself: “How long will Messi’s patience last?” It should be known that the Argentine striker, who is raining and shining on the Camp Nou side, will be able to leave Barça libre in 2021. And that such a slap will undoubtedly encourage him to seriously consider changing club. Moreover, this Saturday morning, several media evoke the possible departure of the Argentinian, blaugrana always.


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