Arsenal “ignored” Scout Peter Clark’s transfer advice who was sacked

Arsenal ignored the transfer advice of top scout Peter Clark, who was recently sacked.

He had identified Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg as a player who would be a big hit at the Emirates.

But his efforts fell on deaf ears, with Tottenham now set to sign the Southampton star.

Mikel Arteta is desperate to strengthen his team this summer and has made midfield a priority.

Thomas Partey appears to be the main target as the Gunners work to move him away from Atletico Madrid.

But their transfer plans have been overshadowed by news that the club will let 55 staff members go.

Arsenal will let 55 staff members leave

Many will be the scouts, with Cagigao one of them, the man who brought to light Cesc Fabregas and Hector Bellerin.

Arsenal bosses Edu and Raul Sanllehi are thrilled to streamline the club’s huge scouting network.

And they are also working on a new system that uses a more contact-based approach.

Another victim of Arsenal’s new brutal regulations is Clark, who has proposed an alternative transfer to Thomas Partey, according to The Athletic.

With Atletico Madrid playing hardball, the UK-based scout suggested that the Gunners move in for Southampton star Hojbjerg instead.

Arsenal ignored the transfer advice on Hojbjerg

The Danish international had a good season on the south coast, captaining him all season.

However, with his heart ready for a start, he saw the stripped midfielder of the captaincy.

Clark’s advice appears to have been ignored, with that seemingly his latest contribution as Arsenal prepare to make it redundant.

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Instead, Hojbjerg looks set to join north London rivals at Tottenham after getting medicals on Monday.

If he moves to Spurs, it will become Jose Mourinho’s first summer signing.

Kyle Walker-Peters looks set to go the other way, making his January loan permanent.



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