Anthony Seibold reportedly offered a $ 1 million withdrawal to leave the Brisbane Broncos

The Brisbane Broncos coach Anthony Seibold has reportedly offered a $ 1 million withdrawal to leave the club immediately, just two years after his five-year deal.

Season from Hell has accelerated negotiations with the Broncos, who have only won one game out of 13 since the season restart.

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But in the past few weeks, the Broncos crisis has gotten more personal for Seibold as the coach stayed in Sydney two weeks ago for family reasons before the hideous rumor about the under-attacked coach started circulating.

On Sunday evening, The Courier-Mail reported that Seibold was given the option to leave now and receive a million dollars plus payout or to return to the club on Monday after his two-week COVID on hold as he has not been fired and will not be forced to to accept the offer.

If he comes back, negotiations should resume at the end of the season.

If Seibold hits the deal, caretaker trainer Peter Gentle will likely take the reins for the remainder of the season.

It comes after reports that Chairman Karl Morris should hold talks with Seibold to see if he was the man who got the Broncos out of the current situation.

The Broncos had the worst season in the club’s history with just three wins in 15 games. They just sat in front of the Canterbury Bulldogs but easily have the worst defense and second worst attack in the league.

Seibold was under relentless pressure in this role as the poor performance put the coach in the limelight after each defeat.

But along with the Seibold rumor sent to lawyers, the Broncos have also been looking into fights that saw the once great club and star striker Tevita Pangai Jr. be violently whipped in a media storm after numerous COVID bladder ruptures.

The rugby world was quick to respond to the news.

One of the authors of the Courier Mail article, Robert Craddock, also issued a statement, saying Seibold was “not a quitter”.

“It wouldn’t be a shock if Seibold turned down the deal the Broncos offered him because the very thought of leaving early would rub against the grain of his die-hard personality,” he said, although he admitted it was a lost cause seems.

Sports reporter Mark Gottlieb tweeted: “Seibold never saw me as the type of man who makes decisions based on money. He would also likely get a bigger payout for forcing her hand to fire him. If he does the ‘Honorable’ and leaves, will he get another NRL job? “

The subject has been hotly debated in rugby league circles for months, with the Broncos apparently unable to work their way out of the hole the club is in.

NSW trainer Brad Fittler believes that if Seibold walks away on his own, he may never land an NRL coaching appearance again.

“If he leaves here, that would be the end of the coaching, I would say for Anthony Seibold,” Fittler told 2 GB Broad world of sports radio last week.

“He went to the Broncos with a pretty good team and everything turned to crap pretty quickly. So there is a great chance that when the dust settles, most of it will be on Anthony Seibold’s shoulders and he will have to wait an awful long time for another gig. “

Phil Gould, on the other hand, said it might be best for his health.

“I would not blame him if he walked away from it, for his own health and for the peace of mind of his family,” Gould said on the Six tackles with Gus Podcast.

“As coaches, we’re competitive people and we don’t want to give in to these kinds of things, but there’s a reality – that would probably be the best course of action.”

When NRL star Cooper Cronk spoke about the Fox League on Saturday night, he admitted it’s almost where Seibold’s future becomes a business decision.

“When your stock price falls dramatically, it becomes a business decision,” he said.

“When you figure out how much it will cost you to pay off a trainer when that is the decision they are making, it becomes a business decision.

“There have been so many, many articles about the Brisbane Broncos this year. A decision has to be made and it sounds like the balls are about to roll. “



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