agreement with Rome. Milik’s yes for the green light awaited » – ​​All News, News, Insights Live on As Roma

LA STAMPA (M. DE SANTIS) – In a branch of Lake Como, far from the usual Milanese shop windows, work was done to have two market weddings. Wednesday in Cernobbio, immediately after yet another appointment in Milan between Paratici e Fienga to talk about Edin Dzeko (and not only) in black and white, the Roma e Arkadiusz Belong, represented by his attorney, they discovered the betrothed: general agreement on the engagement (4.5 million net per season plus bonuses), image rights, duration of the contract (four years) and jersey number (9) in yellow Red. With the blessing of the Naples: dry exchange with Cengiz Under and the young Alessio Riccardi for a total valuation of 40 million on one side of the other. Spouses yes, but for now only promised: Milik’s definitive yes is missing, who had long ago made Juventus mouth and now wants to reflect on the change of destination. An answer will arrive by return of post, perhaps from the withdrawal of Poland (where Milik is expected today). More or less even when the fate of Dzeko, the first piece of this mosaic. Yesterday in Milan new meeting between Roma e Juve: agreement on the valuation of the 18 million card, work in progress on how to structure the entire operation (with possible exchanges). The Bosnian, yesterday accompanied by his wife Amra (pregnant) to support the tampon in Trigoria, is tempted by the recall of Pirlo: discussions are also underway on the contract (currently two years worth 7.5 million plus 500 thousand bonuses per season) . Juve, waiting for the joints to be fixed with Dzeko, continues his round of polls on attackers: Percassi asks for no less than 50 million for Zapata, Suarez does not drop below 13 million in salary and Cavani frightens the commissions demanded by his brother prosecutor. A contact, but not for Milik, there was also with Napoli: Romero idea and money (15 million) for Allan, promised to Everton.


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