After a month in Orlando, Jazz and the NBA found that bubble life isn’t too bad

SALT LAKE CITY – Utah Jazz manager Quin Snyder explained in a simple way how things are going in the bubble.

“Well, I didn’t buy a rock polisher like we saw in Shawshank,” said Snyder, referring to the famous movie “The Shawshank Redemption”.

On Friday, Jazz celebrated (which might be too strong a word) a month in Orlando. It wasn’t that hard that Snyder – or anyone else – felt the need to dig out of the Disney campus. And there has yet to be a positive test for the coronavirus.

So all in all, it was a successful start.

Jordan Clarkson was seen in the yard complaining with a guitar. Mike Conley spent a couple of days of peace and quiet on the golf course. Donovan Mitchell played a lot of ping pong. Almost everyone has played large amounts of video games.

Yes, there are worse places to be confined, but the fact remains that the players, the coaches, the staff are still confined. There were problems – most notably Lou Williams’ excursion to an Atlanta club during a justified absence and some food delivery hitches – but for the most part life in the bubble was bearable, if not just enjoyable.

“Because they all feel some of the same things, they have been able to support each other,” Snyder said. “Sometimes that support is thin; sometimes it is silent; sometimes, it’s more vocal. “

And they managed to get back on the pitch. Any inconvenience the bubble brings is worth it. After being away from the game for four months – four unexpected months – playing NBA games has been cathartic for many players. Even in a strange and strange environment, there is a comfort that came with the resumption of the season.

This is the case even if it’s in an empty gym – something gamers have admitted is weird and lacks the normal energy of an NBA game. But, to their credit, that didn’t weaken the product. Indeed, the quality of the basketball was a pleasant surprise for most.

“Really, just getting back on the pitch was joy enough for me,” Conley said. “For us, who love to compete and play, it’s a joy to be out there and compete with these guys and you play for the coach. It’s just a great, great opportunity to play. “

It also provided the opportunity to bond as a team. Clarkson admitted he was calm and relaxed when he first came to the team in December. It’s strange to join a team mid-season and Clarkson hasn’t known many of his teammates on a personal level. In Orlando, things have changed.

“Being in this environment, in this bubble, has made us so much closer, especially my teammates, everyone,” Clarkson said. “During this time, we really got together. We have nowhere else to stay, we spend a lot of time with each other, we have a lot of conversations, a lot of difficult conversations, personal conversations, everything, so we really bring everyone together. “

That camaraderie has extended to the entire league. Gamers are experiencing more or less the same thing: away from family, friends and their normal lifestyle. But the fact that there have been no positive tests and very few problematic protocol infractions have been reported makes all players understand how important the game is for everyone.

“Everyone was really sensitive and aware of respecting the protocols that were set up to help everyone,” Snyder said. “Now that we are playing, I think there is an enthusiasm surrounding him. People are getting used to some things that are different, but it reminds me that there is a camaraderie. “

So a month later, things are fine in the bubble. Perhaps even surprisingly so.

“That doesn’t mean you don’t miss your family,” Snyder said. “I don’t think anyone wants to be in the bubble forever.”

But for a month it wasn’t that bad.

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