A statement from the heads of Kansas City

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In 2014, we began a dialogue with a group of local leaders from diverse Native American backgrounds and experiences. As an organization, our goal was to better understand the issues facing Native American communities in our region and to explore opportunities to promote Native American cultures and celebrate the rich traditions of tribes with a historical connection to the region. of Kansas City.

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These meaningful conversations with the Native American Community Task Force helped educate ourselves and our fans, and our partnership with these leaders helped guide our Native American Heritage Month Games, as well as the Blessing Ceremony of the drum and the four directions of the Arrowhead Stadium. . Our discussions also led us to discourage fans from wearing Native American themed ceremonial headdresses and makeup at our stadium. We are grateful to the members of the task force for their guidance and collaboration, and we look forward to continuing our partnership.

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In addition to this ongoing collaboration, we recently expanded our efforts by consulting with a national organization that works closely on issues affecting Native American peoples and tribes. Based on these conversations, as well as the work we have done with the local task force over the past six years, we will adopt the following actions / policies in the future:

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  • Although we have been discouraging fans from wearing headdresses for several years, with immediate effect fans will not be allowed to wear headdresses in the stadium.
  • Face painting is still allowed for all fans, but any face painting whose style references or appropriates Native American cultures and traditions will be prohibited.
  • Fans will be asked to remove any Native American themed face paint before going through security outside the stadium.
  • We are engaged in an in-depth Arrowhead Chop review process and plan to have additional discussions in the future.
  • We are exploring all options for a modified engagement moment from the Drum Deck that maintains a unifying effect between our fans and players, but better represents the spiritual significance of the drum in Native American cultures.
  • This includes discussions on how to shift the focus of the drum to something that symbolizes the heartbeat of the stadium.
  • As allowed by the NFL and Kansas City City Health Department guidelines for the 2020 coronavirus-affected season, we will continue with many traditions that we have introduced over the past six years, including the blessing of the four directions, the blessing of the drum, as well as inviting members of tribes with a historical connection to our region to participate in our Native American Heritage Month game.
  • Finally, we are exploring the creation of a more formal education program with input from our local and national partners.
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We are grateful for the meaningful conversations we had with all of these Native American leaders. It is important that we continue the dialogue on these important topics and we look forward to continuing to work together in the future.


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