What’s the next step for the Patriots and franchisee Joe Thuney? – Blog of the New England Patriots

New England Patriots and franchisee labeled left goaltender Joe Thuney did not receive a contract extension until the 4:00 p.m. ET deadline, which means Thuney is locked on the 14.78 label million dollars for the 2020 NFL season.

So how does this affect Thuney’s future with the team?

Thuney’s position: Thuney, 27, is guaranteed $ 14.78 million, which is a great deal for him since his total profit in the NFL before this year was $ 3.2 million. In addition, he is expected to become an unrestricted free agent after the 2020 season, when he enters his sixth NFL season, and may be in a position to enter into a long-term lucrative free market deal (Patriots or another team). The key for Thuney will be to get through the season in good health, as it is the risk he assumes by accepting the term of one year of franchise.

Position of the patriots: Thuney is arguably the Patriots’ best offensive lineman, so keeping him gives the line his best chance for success. However, absorbing a charge of $ 14.78 million to do this is heavy; it is the team’s second highest charge behind NFL defensive player of the year, Stephon Gilmore ($ 18.6 million). Thuney’s high capitalization charge contributed to the team’s limited space for most of the off-season, but the burden was lightened after the grievances with Antonio Brown ($ 4 million) and Aaron Hernandez ($ 2.55 million) was paid recently and provided much needed breathing space. . So while the maximum load for Thuney is not ideal for the team, it is not the ability of handcuff trainer Bill Belichick to make other moves.

Link together: It’s no surprise that the Patriots and Thuney did not get an extension, as the guaranteed salary of $ 14.78 million put Thuney in a rare leverage position. In similar situations across the NFL, a player often takes the franchise salary, then 120% of that figure (which would be the salary if it is re-labeled next year), and uses that number as a starting point. for money guaranteed in negotiations on a long-term agreement. For Thuney, it would be around $ 32 million. It was hard to imagine the Patriots expanding to this level, especially with the uncertainty over the NFL salary cap due to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, the parties are now taking a year-over-year approach to their working relationships, and anything is possible in the future.

Although the franchise tag is often viewed as negative by players, it should be noted that Thuney’s agent Mike McCartney represented quarterback Kirk Cousins ​​while Cousins ​​went from year to year. year on the tag with Washington before hitting the free market and landing a fully lucrative market. longer term contract guaranteed with the Minnesota Vikings. This reflects how McCartney doesn’t necessarily view the franchise label as negative, as it allows players to get back into the market faster.



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