Three reasons why tennis skirts conquered the TL this summer

A not so thorough analysis of most of 2020 omnipresent trend

Scroll through the history of your favorite social media platform and it is very likely that, in a short time, you will come across a pig orbiting a tennis skirt.

From sporting logo line numbers with logo to classic pleated pleated skimmers, the style took off considerably over the summer – accumulating 175,000 hashtags on Instagram, 6.5 million random views on TikTok and selling on retail sites of sportswear worldwide (only to appear on Depop shortly thereafter, raising prices a given). As a Twitter user shrewdly said: “Girls don’t want a boyfriend. The girls want the Nike tennis skirt, ”and a truer word has never been said at the moment.

So where did the trend come from, and why did it take control right now? Read on as we analyze some key ideas, none of which result in a sudden increase in people picking up an FYI tennis racket. Here we go.


If you thought Louis Vuitton, Prada, Off-White and Dior were among the most coveted brands right now, dive into the realms of Depop and you will find a very different story. As one of the most sought-after and sought-after labels on the platform, over the past year Brandy – the only US retailer (small in size) known for giving his staff of teenage girls a superiority complex – has claimed his place as queen bee among young fashion fans, with prices close to near luxury. When it comes to its aesthetics, we are pretty sure that you are fully familiar with what the label has to offer: think of basic tank tops, sundresses with shoulder pads, ankle boot jeans and – surprise! – the very pleated miniskirts that we see everywhere right now.


Unless you are a full member of the generation that is Z, you are very likely to feel a touch of déjà vu when it comes to this new obsession with tennis skirts – which is no surprise, given that we have seen everything before. Bring your mind back to the late 1950s and you will probably remember the heavily aesthetically engineered tank tops from the American Apparel aesthetic, the white cotton kilts and Lolitaknee-highs that formed the sartorial hinges on everyone’s favorite social network site, Tumblr. Together with e-girl, dark academia and cottagecore style, in essence, what we are seeing at the moment is a Tumblr revival, as those not old enough to have done it the first time around to dig in the archives of their despondent, crone- like the fashion precursors, who – according to a TikToker – “should be qualified for their senior discount” by now (and I mean triggered, but also, like, huge mood).


… or more specifically, the character of Hunter Schafer Jules, who was seen wearing (guessed!) an entire group of pleated skirts in baby pink and candy-colored plaids during the first season – but then, considering that the show owes so much to Tumblr when it comes to its super Y2K stylistic tendencies, it’s not that surprising, is it? With EuphoriaThe body harnesses, the nice coordinated and the flawless and gem-studded makeup already seem to infiltrate the TL, it was only a matter of time until his classic kilts arrived on the most sought-after list.



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