“They can’t ban me, they need me.”

Tyler1, well-known streamer and creator of North American content, returns to the fore with a series of statements. Surely it would be easy not to misinterpret his words, especially when he confesses that he is joking as soon as he says it.

However, it is still significant due to several factors. The first of all, is that what he says is “true” (in his own way), and that is that his stream has more time viewed per week than the LCS. Also because it uses it to “attack” Riot, with whom we already know that Tyler1 has no hair on his tongue. And also because it calls into question the philosophy of the company, ironic that they cannot ban him because “they need him.”

The criticism behind the joke

There may be quite a bit more behind Tyler1’s humorous comment. Of course, the clip he goes a little longer until he admits that he is joking, but that does not imply a lack of review to the company.

Tyler1 never passes up the opportunity to “attack” Riot | Source: Twitch

“Are you telling me that people, per week, see me more than the LCS? They can not banearmeThey need me! ”is how they start their words when reading the chat of their stream, bursting into laughter.

Immediately afterwards, and finding himself in the selection of champions, he warns his teammates that the game is going to “go to hell.” They can’t ban me. ” The clip ends with a “fuck you.”

Of course, Tyler1 has always been on the point of view. Several bans precede him, not very healthy attitudes in stream and in game, and the constant walk on the hunger in his relationship with Riot.

With a change of attitude for a while now, the streamer often doesn’t forget his past. Riot has started to invite him, like other influencers, to be more involved in the brand’s events, to which Tyler1 has collaborated.

We will see if his joke stays in that, or will have an impact.


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