The NBA, the players’ union is reportedly forming a $ 300 million foundation to support social justice

NBA isn’t just putting “Black Lives Matter” on some courts and calling it a day." data-reactid="19">The NBA isn’t just putting “Black Lives Matter” in some fields and calling it a day.

Basketball Players Association to form a foundation — with $300 million to start — to focus on social justice issues. And players will get a say in where the money goes. Marc Stein of the New York Times had this report." data-reactid="20">Chris Paul spoke of the league’s partnership with the National Basketball Players Association to form a foundation – with $ 300 million to start – to focus on social justice issues. And players will have a say in where the money goes. Marc Stein of the New York Times had this relationship.

There are few details on the basis, but letting players vote or otherwise have a say in how money is spent is a great way to both engage players and get money in places they can do well.

NBA walking the walk and not just talking the talk." data-reactid="30">Expect a vote and more details in the coming weeks, but it’s nice to see the NBA walking and not just talking.

NBA, players’ union reportedly forming $300 million foundation to support social justice originally appeared on" data-reactid="31">NBA, the players union that forms $ 300 million to support social justice has reportedly appeared on


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