The NBA has tried to conceal that Damian Lillard has a bizarre bubble room

The Disney World NBA bubble has become instant entertainment for sports fans who continue to overcome this pandemic. We were able to glimpse the lives of the players on the road that we had never had before and given the unique circumstance of the situation, it provided a lot of content.

We took a look at Damian Lillard’s birthday on Wednesday, which is nice and fun, until we noticed a small change in the photos posted between CJ McCollum and the NBA.

Here is the photo of CJ McCollum:

And here is the photo of the NBA:

This is like one of those games where you have to find the difference in the photos, but I’m going to ruin it: the “Presidential Suite” has been removed from the door. This is a great attempt to hide the room type, but any hotel room with a double door is a tribute fantasy.

So obviously we have to see what the NBA is hiding behind those doors. This is what the Presidential Suite of the Yacht Club looks like, where Blazers currently stay. It is absolutely larger than my current apartment. I would live the best life in this place.

For the record, I think it’s okay that some players get better accommodation than other players. This is only a fact. If nice rooms are present and available, players should use them! I just think it’s funny that the NBA tried to hide it, because I doubt they were blurring the room for security reasons.


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