The main American actress reveals how Serena Williams helped overcome postpartum problems

American star Serena Williams gave birth to her daughter Olympia in 2017. Since then she has managed to return and play tennis at the highest levels. Serena shared this return from pregnancy experience with comedian and actress Amy Schumer. This certainly helped Amy a lot.

serena williams

Amy Schumer on the advice of Serena Williams

In a recent interview with Buzzfeed, Amy Schumer talked about how women are pushed to “bounce” after giving birth. He felt that it was unrealistic and that he wanted to take his time. Later, talking to Serena helped her do this while she said,

“I was also lucky enough to talk to Serena Williams on the phone. She was patient with herself and she returned to play tennis. So, among my friends and the promises I made to myself, I was like “I’m not in a hurry”. 14 months have passed and I’m still not in a hurry. “

Being patient with herself clearly helped Serena when she came back strong in 2018. She reached 2 Grand Slam finals that year and continued to reach 2 more in 2019. Now, her main goal is to finally win another Grand Slam.

More information – Serena Williams and her daughter Olympia Ohanian are part of the NWSL team of investors

Women's sport: Serena Williams opens up about how she is ...

The American star has been trying to win another Slam for some time now just for one reason – equaling the record for most Grand Slams. Margaret Court currently holds this record, but many will expect Serena to match her record soon.

Serena’s next chance to reach her goal will be at the US Open. This is an event that many players were unsure of playing due to the many restrictions. However, the American star has already confirmed that she will attend the event and will certainly hope to improve her last year’s performance.


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