The Giants Super Bowl ring robbery was led by an angry Patriots fan

Tom Brady and the 18-0 Patriots couldn’t stop the Giants from winning Super Bowl rings. But a New England fan tried to stop the Giants from receiving them.

Four months after the Giants shocked the Patriots in Super Bowl XLII, professional thief Sean Murphy stole millions of dollars worth of goods from a Massachusetts jewelry store that was responsible for creating the Giants’ championship rings.

After learning in an article that the Attleboro store would make the rings, Murphy decided to steal the prices of a team he considered lucky, according to a Bloomberg report, in part because of the revolutionary headphone jack by David Tyree in the 2008 classic.

“Fk ’em,” Murphy thought, according to Bloomberg. “They don’t deserve them.”

Murphy and an accomplice dug a hole in the roof of the jewelry store, destroyed the alarm, and removed a 1,000-pound safe from the premises.

According to Murphy, dozens of rings filled with 1.72 carat diamonds were in his possession, including those with the names “Manning” and “Strahan”, although a spokesman for the Giants said at the time that the rings were intended for full-time employees, which did not include players or coaches.

New York Giants Super Bowl rings retrieved from a Saugus bank safe.
New York Giants Super Bowl rings retrieved from a Saugus bank safe.AP

Although the burglary was initially successful, Murphy struggled to find a buyer for the highly publicized stolen rings. Already under investigation for various other crimes, Murphy was eventually arrested by authorities, who found 27 Super Bowl rings in a safe. He had given his girlfriend a ring, which was discovered because another woman with whom Murphy had a relationship did not receive one and informed the FBI of it.

“We got caught because he gave a Super Bowl ring to a young 20-year-old woman,” said David Nassor, who was arrested after selling scrap gold. “F – k him.”

Murphy, who has been in jail since 2009, says he still has some of the Super Bowl rings.



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