Second row on the grid for the Racing Point team, Stroll defeated Pérez –

Stroll defeated his teammate in qualifying when he set the third fastest time in the Q3 at Hungaroring. He was 930 thousandths of a second behind the victorious Lewis Hamilton.

“The car was really strong during the qualification and the whole weekend. We had speed and it was just about putting it together in qualifying, “said Stroll.

“Everyone did a very good job, I am really satisfied with the qualification and now we will prepare for tomorrow, where we will try to get a lot of points.”

Perez was dizzy

The Mexican admitted that he struggled with dizziness during the Hungarian qualification. Her conclusion was challenging for Pérez. In the first qualifying attempt, he exceeded the track limits in the fourth turn and the commissioners erased his time. In the second attempt, he made a better attempt, even though he was not good enough for his teammate.

“It’s a good result for the team, but from my point of view a lot of things have happened. During qualifying, I didn’t feel one hundred percent physically fine. For some reason, I felt dizzy during qualifying. I have been feeling a sore throat since yesterday, “Pérez described.

“It simply came to our notice then. My neck hurts a bit, in some parts of the circuit I suddenly started to feel dizzy. Being fourth is still a good result. “

Like both Mercedes drivers in the front row, both Racing Point drivers will start the race on a medium set of tires.

“I think it’s a great result for the team, I’m happy with it. Tomorrow maybe we can put it together in the race and get a lot of points for the team. We have good speed. We start on a medium mix, that can help us tomorrow. We think a softer set can have a problem during the first stint. “


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