Sanchez, Inter’s strategy: the insertion of a player is possible. Eriksen also hangs in the balance

The contacts between are always active Inter e Manchester United per Alexis Sanchez. The attacker wants to stay, the Nerazzurri club wants to keep him. “Fifteen million should satisfy the English club – reads on Corriere della Sera -. An agreement must be found with the player who has a stratospheric engagement: 14 million net per season. Inter currently pays him 5.5, the rest is paid by Manchester United, with which Sanchez has a contract until June 2022. However, taking advantage of Renzi’s growth decree, Inter has the opportunity to take advantage of a 30 per one hundred discount on engagement. In summary, the player would go close to 10 million a year for the next three seasons, the company would cost about 15 million gross “.

Always according to Corsera it is not excluded that Inter decide to insert a player in the negotiation with Manchester United, it could be Škriniar given that its sale to certain figures would guarantee an important capital gain. Option that is not excluded even for Eriksen, which reached only 20 million euros.




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