Residents who are forced to wear rubber boots after a pipe bursts turn the road into a river

For three days, water has been pouring out of a burst pipe on a path, which frustrates the residents.

The video provided to ECHO shows the water gushing down Hollinghurst Road in the Tower Hill area of ​​Kirkby.

It affects a path or a roadway and a grass that is now heavily flooded.

The outbreak started on Thursday, but since then the locals have said they have trouble getting United Utilities to clear it up.

Around 12 houses have been bothered by some people who have to wear rubber boots to gain access to their properties.

One man said the water was crawling near his garage.

Spectators said United Utilities dug a hole on Thursday before a pipe appeared to burst or crack.

Five-headed father Michael McGown, 48, told ECHO: “It’s a shame that it stayed that way.

“Thousands of gallons of water are probably pumping out there, and what if we get hose bans later this summer?

“A lot of people reported it, but apart from an hour ago when workers came out to just pick up the fence that had fallen over, I didn’t see or hear anything else.

“It is not good enough.”

This afternoon, United Utilities said the problem only started after roadworks for a nearby new housing development had asphalted important water valves.

The teams then dug themselves out to locate the pipes that caused the water to burst and erupt.

When the pipes are insulated, the water will be shut off in 150 objects from midnight tonight, as work begins to repair it early in the morning.

The problem should be fixed when people get up, United Utilities added.

A spokeswoman added, “Sorry, but it was a complicated process, but it should be sorted out soon.”



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