Pep Busquets: “Coming to Girona Basketball is the best way to grow as a player”

Despite having to think about it, both Pep Busquets and his entourage immediately knew that Bàsquet Girona was the best place to grow. The winger from Granollers (21 years old and 2.01 meters tall) was presented yesterday in Fontajau together with the sports director Jordi Plà, who was pleased to have reached an agreement with the transfer of the Youth of Badalona for the first incorporation in the premiere in LEB Or. “We want to thank the confidence for Pep’s growth and for giving us a player who must be the future of the Peña. We are very happy that he is with us because he is physically, technically and tactically gifted. In addition, he is aware that he has room for improvement and this fits with the idea we have of the project. There are no players without individual improvement and Pep exemplifies this perfectly “, said Plà.

Despite being from 1999, Busquets “is well established in LEB Or” after having played last season with Alicante. The sporting director believes that “defensively he will give another record to the team and offensively he will take the last step to be equally decisive”. For now, the player takes on the challenge “excited” and “eager to do well and have fun” from next Tuesday, September 1, which will be when he joins the Girona after making a part of the preseason with Youth.

The assignment

“It was a pretty thoughtful decision by my agents, the Peña and me. We all agreed from the beginning that coming to Girona was the best way to progress as a player. We are very happy to have made this decision because we really like the project. I hope it helps me grow as a player and finish perfecting and improving my game. I really want to get started, do it right and have fun. This season I will only focus on Bàsquet Girona ».

The coach

“I talked to Carles (Marco) on the phone and he helped me decide. We talked about various points of the project, especially the individual workouts. Maybe it helped me to decide, but there are many things about the project that both me and my agents and the Penya have made us decide for Girona ».

Team competition

“For me, the more competition there is (Gerard Sevillano), the better. This means that the results of the team are good and the goal we have is going well. Right now we’re four players, but I don’t care because I’m delighted with the structure the club has in mind. I hope everything goes as they want.

The physical condition

“At the moment, I haven’t stopped training since the final phase of the ACB in Valencia. I haven’t stopped basketball at any point. Now I’m going to have a month off and try to train as hard as I can to get in good shape in the preseason. We have decided that it is best to do it with the Penya and join Bàsquet Girona on September 1st. I’m happy and excited. “

Gasol’s word

“Right now we have been talking for a while with the president (Marc Gasol) and he has explained to me the idea that Bàsquet Girona has. Aside from that, these days I’ve also talked to quite a few people from the club about the project and they’ve all conveyed good feelings to me. I have a clear idea of ​​what is expected of me this season.



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