Olot offers subscribers three options for the return of 20% of the card

The halt of the competition in Second B as a result of the covid-19 pandemic slowed down Olot’s aspirations to be able to dream of the possibility of fighting for play-off of promotion to Second A. The decision of the Spanish Federation to give the League by finished left the equipment seventh in the classification with still ten days to dispute. Of these ten, there were four planned in the Municipal that will not have been played. For this reason, yesterday the Garrotxa club announced the measures it has taken to compensate the members, who have not seen four games included in the season ticket, and for the sponsors. The club chooses to offset the large assets of the project with the return of 20% of the season ticket by three formulas. The first is the deduction of the amount corresponding to the 4 matches in the ticket price for the upcoming season. The second is to change this 20% for a subscription to the Footers television platform so that you can watch all the matches in Olot, as well as the rest of the Second B and Third that it broadcasts. Finally, the club also offers the waiver of the season ticket in exchange for the freezing of the price of the membership card for the seasons 2021-22 and 22-23 (regardless of the category where you play) and preferably in the reservation of bus seats that will accompany the team on trips.

The deadline to announce the chosen option is October 15th.



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