Nike pulls out, FedEx calls for name change the same day as federal officials tell Dan Snyder to do the same

If you search for “Redskins” on, you will find that all of the team’s official gear has been removed from the store. If you go to Twitter or read any national media, you will see that FedEx has issued a statement that it asked “the Washington team” to change its name.

According to an AdWeek report, Nike and FedEx were part of a group of companies (PepsiCo was also included) whose investors wrote to them asking them to end their relationship with Washington unless the team changes last name. The letters to Nike, FedEx and PepsiCo came from 87 investment firms and shareholders with a collective value of $ 620 billion. FedEx, for what it’s worth, is the named sponsor of the field where Washington plays its games, and its CEO, Frederick Smith, is a co-owner of the team.

As if that were not enough one day, Washington is now under more political pressure than ever to change its name. Having been a point of contention for a long time with groups who believe that the term “red skin” is an offensive racial insult to the Amerindian population, the subject has reached its boiling point following the murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis . Police Department – The officers involved have since been dismissed and charged with second degree murder and aiding and abetting second degree murder.

Subsequent protests fueled changes that included the city remove the statue of George Preston Marshall, founder of the organization and fierce opponent of desegregation, outside the RFK stadium; in a gesture greeted by Marshall’s own granddaughter, Jordan Wright.

“I was glad to see it go down,” said Wright, via the Washington Post. “It’s time to see it disappear.”

Current team owner Dan Snyder has gone a step further by agreeing to remove Marshall’s name from all official team documents and his Ring of Honor, but Snyder has so far held his position not to change the team name. However, he may no longer have a choice. In other words, if he wants to move the team to the field where the RFK Stadium is currently located.

This large parcel of land belongs to the federal government, 190 acres in all, and several elected officials have now issued an ultimatum that forces Snyder to change the name of the team or find a new landing point for resettlement. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), the District of Columbia’s non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives, is one of the votes leading the charge.

“I am again calling on Dan Snyder to face this reality because he still desperately wants to be in the nation’s capital,” said Norton, via the Washington Post. “He has a problem he can’t get around, and he can’t get around it today, after the murder of George Floyd.”

Norton is not the only official to draw a hard line in front of Snyder.

“There is no viable path, locally or federally, for the Washington football team to return to Washington, DC, without first changing the team name,” said DC deputy mayor. , John Falcicchio.

Snyder’s team is currently based in Ashburn, Virginia, and is hosting a training camp in Richmond, while FedEx Field is in Landover, Maryland – east of Washington. With the RFK campus on sale, Snyder plans to move there, partly because of the rapid aging of FedEx Field (team home since 1997), and partly because it joins the sentiment of those who would like to see the return of the team to Washington; as opposed to operating just outside of it.

“[Washington] is a special place, and she’s right to say it’s the only sports team that isn’t in town, “said Snyder.” It’s special for me. I have great memories there. “

It is a plan that all seems to be on board, but not without a mandatory name change, which the federal government may require for the land it owns. If Snyder wants to be allowed to buy it, he will have to reconsider his position dug on the name “Redskins”.

“I think it’s time for the team to deal with what offends so many people,” said Mayor Muriel E. Bowser. “And it’s a great franchise with a great story that is beloved in Washington. And it deserves a name that reflects the affection we have built for the team.”

A much more scathing version of the message came from the American representative Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.).

“Time [for the name] has ended, “said Grijalva.” There is no way to justify it. Either you are entering this century or you are not. It’s up to the team owner to do it. “


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