Mollema and Kruijswijk crave Tour: ‘Everyone wants to have flames’

Mollema, who extended his contract in June to the end of 2022, has come through well with the corona crisis. “I have trained well in recent months. That was quite awkward and unreal at first, because you did not know how long it would take and when you could race again. Fortunately, we can now look forward again.”

“We have to remain vigilant, but there are strict protocols around competitions and training camps. You have to be. If you get sick now, the whole season will be endangered, so you don’t want to. Certainly not because the season is already so short, with many games close together. “

‘Nice if you participate with big names’

Like the Tour de France, which starts two months later than usual. “It will be very difficult right away. Not a week with flat rides first, but in the second stage we immediately go into the mountains. So you have to be there from the start.”

Mollema expects a lot of tension in the peloton. “Everyone has not raced for a long time, everyone is looking forward to racing again. And then everyone wants to have flames, so it is also nice if there is already a classification at the beginning of the Tour.”

“It is nice if you participate with all the big names,” said Mollema, who has already finished sixth and seventh in the Tour. “It gives extra satisfaction if you get a good result. It only gives more motivation.”


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