Minds flicker in the Dodgers Astros game after being punished by theft of signs

While the game in Houston started on a good footing, tensions began to rise with two outs at the end of the sixth inning.

A pitch from Dodger’s reliever Joe Kelly – which didn’t seem to be a fastball – buzzed near Astro’s shortstop Carlos Correa, causing Correa to fall and move the runners into second and third. Correa stared back at the hill. Correa continued to finish the inning and Kelly stuck her tongue out at the Astros shortstop. The two sides exchanged verbal impacts and the benches were cleared. Other words have been exchanged, the television show shows, but it appears that no blows were thrown.

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The Dodgers won the game 5-2. The teams will play against each other on Wednesday at 7 p.m. ET.

Major League Baseball issued a penalty for the Astros in January after the league said Houston illegally created a system that decrypted and communicated the pitching signs of the opposing teams during its 2017 championship season – the year the Astros hit the Dodgers in defeated the World Series.

The punishment included suspending both Astros manager AJ Hinch and general manager Jeff Luhnow for one season without pay, losing regular team selections in the first and second round in 2020 and 2021, and a fine of 5 million Dollars were imposed. Astros’ owner and chairman, Jim Crane, fired both managers on the same day.



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