Mercato Inter, Marotta reveals plans for Chiesa and Sanchez

L’Inter postpones the return to victory after the draw against Roma. Fiorentina emerged unscathed from San Siro despite the end of a game that saw the Nerazzurri dominate in terms of territorial superiority and scoring chances, but the two poles hit and the saves of the purple goalkeeper Terracciano saved Iachini’s formation.

In the pre-game, meanwhile, the CEO of Inter, Giuseppe Marotta, had lingered for a long time on market issues.

Many arguments, from the desire to redeem Alexis Sanchez to that of not giving in Lautaro Martinez, until the possible negotiation for Federico Chiesa, opponent of the day, despite having started from the bench and to the position of Antonio Conte.

“For Sanchez we have contacts with United to extend his stay with us even after the match against Getafe – said Marotta – The renewal of Lautaro? The speech will concern players at the end of the season, especially those with whom the club wants to bond for a long time and among these there is Lautaro. He is happy to wear this shirt and we are happy to have it. We will meet with him to plan the future. ”

Apparent closure for Chiesa: “We have never started any negotiations with Fiorentina, maximum respect for the purple club and great merits for the boy. Chiesa is a Fiorentina footballer and maybe he will be in the coming months too “.

No explicit reference to Conte’s future: “We had plans to enter the Champions League and we are there, even if Rome and Naples would win the Champions League if we would end up fourth. But virtually we are there, we have hit the target but next year the rod will rise because we want to increase the quality of this group “.

Conte himself also spoke of Lautaro at the end of the race, protecting the Argentine from media criticism: “To say that Lautaro is thinking of Barcelona is an offense to his intelligence and professionalism: it is normal that in his path of growth there are ups and downs, but he always trains with commitment and we are happy ”.

OMNISPORT | 23-07-2020 00:23

Fonte: Getty Images



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