Kate Middleton was wearing an adorable tennis print silk midi dress

  • Kate Middleton called young tennis players from Bond Primary School in Mitcham, south London, last week.
  • He surprised schoolchildren with a famous guest: British tennis player Andy Murray.
  • The Duchess of Cambridge wore a themed dress for the occasion: the HVN printed tennis midi dress.

    Who loves a themed outfit openly more than a Kate Middleton? Last week he surprised young tennis players at a South London school with a video call from former Wimbledon champion Andy Murray, and for the occasion he wore a green silk midi dress with a nice tennis print.

    Such as HELLO! reports that the Duchess of Cambridge chatted on video with Bond Primary School students (British schoolchildren generally attend elementary school between 4 and 11 years old) in Mitcham, South London, asking them what they learned during the tennis lesson that day.

    Then, he surprised them by introducing Andy Murray, who gave some advice to young tennis fans. “The most important thing is to have fun,” he said. “If you are competing or playing some games, try really hard. But winning and losing is not the most important thing. Enjoying a sport and being active is the most important thing. If you continue to choose it as your career, obviously winning and losing changes a little. “

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    Kate wore HVN’s Tennis Long Maria Dress for the video call, which you can take a closer look at in the post below:

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format or you may be able to find more information on their website.

    Alas, as often happens with Kate’s clothes, the dress is now almost sold out everywhere. However, you can choose the Maria style in a different print:


    Floral print silk crepe de chine midi dress with Maria belt


    $ 387.50

    Alternatively, try other cute HVN printed styles:


    Mini dress in printed silk satin with rosemary belt


    $ 475.00


    Holland printed cotton poplin mini dress


    $ 395.00

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