Jason Whitlock: NFL Shows “ Leadership Failure ” On Anthem, Giving In To Pressure From Black Lives Matter

Outkick.com contributor Jason Whitlock responded to the NFL’s Monday plans to play the black national anthem before games, calling it “lack of leadership” and “men’s inability to stand up and respect the principles they believe they believe in. ” . “

“When I look at what the NFL does, it goes against every value that the NFL is built on. Professional sports are built on the celebration of the Americana, the ideas and values ​​that best illustrate America, “said Whitlock to” Tucker Carlson Tonight “.

He said that professional sport was built on the unification of America. In addition, Whitlock voiced concerns that NFL players would run for the black national anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing”, and then kneel during “The Star-Spangled Banner”.

“The NFL is going to have a good chunk of its audience and will never be seen the same again due to the failure of leadership throughout the NFL,” said Whitlock.


The reported decision to play the song comes after the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd, who sparked nationwide protests against racial inequality and police brutality. According to the ESPN report, the song will be played before “The Star-Spangled Banner”.

The NFL did not comment on the reports.

Whitlock said that Black Lives Matter is a “Marxist political organization” which does not mean “black death or black men”.

“It is a political decision. It is a communist political decision. … I saw a lot of these guys, they claim they are in Christianity and their religious beliefs, do they understand the subject of black life, communism, Marxism, is anti-religious? It is a historic failure of men and leaders. It is cowardice at its highest level, it is the NFL who jumps the shark and says that we stop being what we said. We are now something else because our money is at stake and we are not defending the values ​​we said we were defending. “


The league and the NFL Players Association are also planning to list the names of victims on uniforms through decals on helmets or patches on shirts, ESPN reported. The NFL can also produce educational programs on victims. They also have other plans that have not been identified.

The league hopes it demonstrates “a real commitment to the public, the players and the coaches and that the players’ voices continue to be heard,” said the ESPN source.


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