“It is a too fearful Turin. And if the head shots are scary too …”

The moment of Torino is difficult and reality must be looked at in the face: the grenade team will have to work hard to achieve salvation. Two days after the derby against Juventus he returns “Word to the Mister,” the column in which together with Serino Rampanti we analyze weekly issues of the moment at the Torino house. “I read that someone recently described me as an employee of President Cairo. I would like to reassure everyone, I am only an employee of INPS, “says Serino smiling before starting his analysis.

Did you expect anything more from the match against Lazio?

“Yes, I was expecting something more because I saw too much fear in the players’ heads. On several occasions some restarts should have been carried out with decision but instead the grenades stopped and took refuge in the lateral passage or backwards. And then the team’s center of gravity, too low; the medians were always glued in front of the penalty area, with fear of raising the pressure forward. You have to stay on the field better and you need not be afraid. Those who play in Serie A should have personality. The attitude of these players is sometimes inexplicable. Have you seen that chance that Edera had in the second half? “

Yes, he seemed to take his head off Ansaldi’s cross.

“I wonder what he was going to do: did he want to leave the combed field? Head you have to throw yourself with all your strength on the balls, those at 2 meters from the ground as at 20 centimeters. Let’s not joke. I saw that episode and I remembered the many companions I had whose specialty was the header: from Pulici to Pascutti and Fossati. Well, if today we are in the hands of players who are afraid to hit the head we are well placed. And let me add one more thing. ”

You are welcome.

“Longo needs help. From the players, who sometimes don’t even help themselves. And also by collaborators. I give an example, in the second half at some point Aina was cooked and overcooked but Moreno changed De Silvestri first. True, he too was out of breath, but with experience he can at least oversee the position. A coach cannot notice everything, well-positioned collaborators are needed, perhaps in the stands. I also told you in Mazzarri’s time. I also often see Vagnati on the bench, but a DS for me has to be in the stands where you have a more detached view of what happens on the field. In fact, Petrachi never went on the bench. ”

There are those who point out that the average points of Longo is decidedly lower than that of Mazzarri. Is this a significant fact in your opinion?

“You know that I love Longo, he was a player of mine, so I will never go against him. Just as surely I have always appreciated Mazzarri and who has been reading it for some time knows it. I’m sorry it went so with him, that – I remember – he left Turin a few points from the Europa League. Now, however, we do not even throw Moreno into criticism. He took over a difficult situation. Many players have had their heads elsewhere. ”

What prospects does this team have in your opinion?

“I believe that in the end salvation will come because it is true that there are still points to be made but the teams behind them must do too. At the end of the year, it goes as it goes, the only way is that of a radical re-foundation. Good luck to Vagnati who will have a great job to do. We need fresh air, we need new faces also to bring back fans who are increasingly in love with a little enthusiasm “.

Now there is the derby. What expectations do you have?

“I am always confident before the games, but it is true that my trust has often been misplaced lately. If we analyze the premises with a cold mind, we would say that there will be no game. But in football you never know, the episodes are always around the corner. In general, I want the Bull to go and play with the knife between his teeth; I don’t want to hear that the team should spare itself in view of the match-salvation with Brescia. All games are good opportunities to score points. Especially if it’s derby. ”


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