Instead of defending gold, he stays at home. Tournaments are in sight, sad Krpálek

Michaela Říhová, ČTK

Did it occur to you that you should have been in Japan by now?

I realized this before, we had to fly to Japan two weeks before the start of the camp in Oita, after a week to move to Tokyo for the final training camp. In addition, the athlete who is preparing for the Olympics lives 100 percent during the entire two-year qualification. But we have to take it sports and prepare for the Olympics in a year, human health is paramount.

You were supposed to fight for the medal next Friday. What are you going to do instead?

I don’t know yet. Now our preparatory camp with the Slovaks ends, then we will have a little freer that week.

Judicial world champion Lukáš Krpálek with his wife Eva and the Guth-Jarkovsky Prize, which he took over in Prague for the best performance last year according to the athletes.

Michaela Říhová, ČTK

Will you want to go to Japan camping when you can?

If it’s safe, I’d like to go there as soon as possible and prepare, even if we don’t know which tournament yet. For us, the motivation is the November European Championships in Prague, so I hope that it will take place and we will have at least one peak.

He has a house, he fathered a son and planted a tree. Krpálek is also hiding another plan from his wife

You and your wife went to see the tennis tournaments, did you envy them that they could play?

It was nice for me to at least see that it is already starting and such tournaments can be organized. Of course, I would very much like us to be able to start, but it is still out of sight.

Do you have any tournaments on your calendar that could actually take place?

So far, it is determined that by the end of August, everything is stopped and it should start in September. But a new position should be issued every day, now we know nothing.

Judo World Champion Lukáš Krpálek (center) in Prague received the Guth-Jarkovsky Award for the best performance last year according to the athletes. He won the vote organized by the Czech Olympic Committee for the second time.

Michaela Říhová, ČTK

You often fly to Japan, do you have news from the Olympics venue?

I haven’t written to anyone now, the last time a month and a half ago. But from what I’ve heard, they can’t train the way they should either. Perhaps we will be able to enter normal life as soon as possible.

Are you worried about whether the season will start at all?

I am glad that we can prepare with the Slovaks now. It was obvious that they had been locked up in the gym for a long time, they were all extremely strong. So I hope it doesn’t start again and we don’t fall into the fact that we won’t be able to prepare. When I follow developments, I’m a little scared. And it’s hard for us top athletes when we couldn’t wrestle together for a month and a half, I missed it terribly and I can’t imagine it coming again.

Lukáš Krpálek sang with Olga Lounová at the Jiří Guth-Jarkovský Award Ceremony.

WWTP / Barbora Reichová

Can any hygiene measures be observed in such a contact sport as judo?

Not at all. Of course we try to disinfect everything more, but would we wash in a veil? It definitely doesn’t work …

After the quarantine period, are departures from your family to preparatory camps more difficult for you?

They are definitely worse now. Even though we went to the training camp on bikes, I had a harder time and the children also had a harder time. We called each day, but it was so sadder, we got used to each other.



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