“I’m very hungry to play again and give my best with Bàsquet Girona”

In the summers, Àlex Llorca and other Catalan players usually train with Marc Gasol and Ricky Rubio, who, in order to stay fit outside the NBA season, it is not uncommon for them to organize matches with friends and acquaintances who compete in the ACB or in LEB leagues. One of these is Llorca, who, this same summer, trained for more than a day with Marc Gasol and, therefore, who better than the president to be clear that the Barcelona escort has left his injury completely behind on the back and that will be a very good reinforcement for the Girona Basketball of LEB Or. “This last year has been very complicated for me, with the injury and then the coronavirus stop, but he has not stopped working during the confinement and Marc himself has seen that I am very well and I think that has helped him have confidence in me and see that I am very hungry to play again and give the best of myself to the club in both 3×3 and 5×5 ».

Àlex Llorca’s competitive character is one of the traits of a player, “contrasted in LEB Or, but especially in ACB”, who is most liked by those responsible for Bàsquet Girona. “I remember we went with Carles (Marco) to talk to him to explain our project to him and tell him that we wanted him to be an important, very important player in the team; and he, at one point in the conversation, told us very well, but what team ?, a bit Alex is this: competitiveness. And it seems to us that it is a fundamental value in any team “, explained the sporting director, Jordi Plà, about the incorporation of a player who did not hide that his goal is to return to the ACB:” It is clear that he is a of my goals, it was very bad luck because I had just had one of the best years at the ACB with Fuenlabrada and because of my back pain everything was a bit upset; I am a very ambitious player, I have been my whole career, in which I have had to overcome many stones along the way and I will continue to do so. However, Àlex Llorca is aware that, in this first year in the category, the main objective of Bàsquet Girona is to go up to the ACB. “Of course we would be wrong if we said that the goal is to go up, because it is our first year in the category and we have to set our goals every day, but I advance that out of desire and effort the goals will not be small “, Explained Llorca, who had coincided with Sàbat in Vic and Alicante and with Gerard Sevillano in Lleida:” Sàbat is one of the bases I like to play with the most, because he has a lot of experience and controls very well everything that happens in the track, while Sevillano played very well last season and I’m sure he’s also very hungry to play in LEB Or ».



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