Eric Thames of Washington Nationals lonesome at first base; believes that this MLB 2020 season will work + more

When he first arrived in West Palm Beach, FL’s FITTEAM Ballpark of the Palm Beaches for the start of his 1 year / $ 4 million contract with the Washington Nationals (which includes a $ 4 million mortgage option for 2021), Eric Thames, 33, was part of a first base crowd that included both Howie Kendrick and Ryan Zimmerman (with Asdrúbal Cabrera as another backup option).

Four months later, Kendrick is placed in quarantine and Zimmerman has given up on the MLB 2020 campaign, leaving the Thames as the first main base option in Spring Training 2.0 as the national teams prepare for a 60-game schedule. So stay healthy, Eric.

“Staying healthy, whether it’s a real injury or getting sick, that’s number 1 priority,” Thames told reporters when he spoke on a Zoom call this afternoon.

“So I’m doing everything I can to stay away from people, stay inside as much as possible, but you know, then, we’re still touching the door handles and there are some things out of our control.

“So yes, it’s definitely different right now at first base, but Howie and the other guys can fill it up in the beginning.

“We still have 13, 14 days until the opening day. So for now it’s good for me because I have many repetitions.

“Spring training or” Summer Training “is like an intensive course compared to a six week program. All I can focus on is just getting ready for the opening day.”

The Thames and the rest of the citizens are adjusting to the protocols put in place to try to convince everyone through ST 2.0 and the 2020 season, but the process so far, Thames said, is not much fun.

“I think it’s terrible,” said Thames with a laugh. “Not so much the practices, but the rules that we must follow.

“We can’t eat protein bars on the bench. We can’t celebrate with our teammates.

“Even as on a ball on the ground, you usually throw the ball around the field, but you can’t have more than two guys who touch a ball or free it and clean it.

“These are small rules that are annoying, but you have to do it to keep everyone safe and be able to play in a few weeks.”

If / when the season starts, how will you manage first base?

How, how will runners tackle first base, as far as keeping runners out when they distance social media?

“I have no idea,” admitted the Thames. “Because they can’t tell us how, ‘Hey, you can’t keep this runner because he’s less than six feet.’ I suppose it will be the same, but the referees will have a mask, I know that the coaches cannot come near you to talk about situations or [say], “This representation is active.”

“For the first base guys, I’m sure they will continue to talk and joke with each other, but if we have to wear a mask it will be interesting to see what they will say.

“I’m sure there will be a lot of rules, changes and things in the first few weeks.”

National Davey skipper Martinez recently talked about how Thames is adapting to his new club and reiterated today that the first baseman impressed for an extra week in Spring Training 2.0.

“It seems to adapt really well. From what I’m noticing, the kids love it. He jumped in, is a good teammate and wants to do everything he can to help us win the ball games.

Photo by Patrick McDermott / Getty Images

“It has exceptional power, as we all know,” continued Martinez.

“I know he is working diligently with [Third Base Coach] Chip [Hale] is [Bench Coach] Tim [Bogar] to first base.

“He wants to be a really good defender, and he’s showing signs where he can stand out and play a good first base. He did a good play today.

“Having him in that formation, especially against left-handed people, will be terrible.

“It does some serious damage against the righteous. So it would be a nice addition in the middle of our training. “

Thames ended the 2019 campaign with a .247 / .346 / .505 line, 23 doubles and 25 home runs out of 149 games and 459 appearances in a 1.9 fWAR season with the Brewers of Milwaukee.

As noted by Martinez, the focus in Spring Training 2.0 is initially on his work with the glove with Bogar and Hale.

“Those guys are really adamant about defense and everything,” said Thames.

“They have been all over me to find work. Extra mushrooms. And everything, because you know in baseball, it could be the ninth inning, a great game, Trea [Turner] in the middle it turns and throws it and between the hops, it is better to dig it.

“So, I’m breaking my ass here.”

Will it be worth it in the end? Does the Thames think they will actually have a 60-game season?

“It will definitely work,” said Thames. “It will suck not to have fans, as if there were no energy, and even just having fun with your teammates, this makes baseball practically fun. There are rules that we must follow, social distancing will certainly be hard, but it will work.

“People want baseball, and especially players, we really want to play. So you have to find ways to make it work. “


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