Eagles’ Marquise Goodwin is leaving the 2020 season

In the past, when the Eagles training camp was held in front of thousands of fans in Widener, West Chester and Lehigh, all the newspapers issued a guide before the camp started under the title “What You Will See at the Eagles Camp”. ”

Here we are in 2020 and we will call this “What nobody will see at the Eagles Training Camp”.

From today and until the first week of September, the Eagles will take part in various training camp exercises in the NovaCare complex with just a few dozen observers – some media, some scouts, some different team officials.

The NFL and NFLPA agreed over the weekend on a long and complex set of protocols that will govern this unique pre-season.

It will be another two weeks before the Eagles can train as a team and three weeks before the players can train in pads.

Since there are no preparatory games this summer, it is only 27 days from the first padded training to the start of the regular season.

We hope.

Here’s a look at the training camp schedule agreed by the league and player association:

Today Friday

COVID-19 tests and virtual meetings: As of today, veterans report and are tested daily before entering the NovaCare complex. There are no exercises in this phase and all team meetings are still held virtually.

Saturday Sunday

Distribution of physics and equipment: All players will complete their usual pre-camp exercises in addition to the COVID-19 tests. Virtual meetings continue and no one is allowed to enter the practice area.

August 3rd to 11th

Acclimatization time: These nine days are similar to the spring mini camps. The players may enter the field, but without a helmet and only for strength and conditioning work. The coaches are not allowed on the field during this phase. Only the team’s strength and conditioning team can play with the players.

August 12-16

Ramp-up time: The gradual transition to soccer activities begins with coaches who are now allowed on the field, helmets and shells. The first two days consist of individual lessons. After a day off on August 15, two full-speed exercises are allowed for the first time. Still no pads or contacts during this time.

Aug 17th September 6th

Work out: The NFL calls this the “contact integration period,” which is a fancy expression for “practice.” During this 21 day period, teams can train 18 times, 14 of which can be performed in full pads. The first session is limited to 1 1/2 hours, but each exercise can be extended by 15 minutes to a limit of 2 1/2 hours. Three are three days off, built into this three week period.

Sept. 7-Sept. 12: Normal daily exercise routine in the regular season.

13.september: Eagles vs. Washington Football Team at the season opener at 1 p.m. in FedEx Field.

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