Does Ibra remain with Milan at Pioli? At altitude the answer is yes, unless Galliani … | Market

With Rangnick he would not remain. Confirmation of Piolihowever, it makes the probability that much more substantial Ibrahimovic sis a player of the Milan also in the next season, in which he will celebrate 39 years. Traders put this hypothesis black and white, and in their assessments the Rossoneri option is definitely favored, at 1.50. The change of jacket by October 5, the official closing date of the market, reports Agipronews, instead it rises to 2.30. In recent days there had been talk of a surprise agreement with the Monza of Berlusconi, but yesterday Galliani he denied the rumors at the press conference, calling the Swede’s engagement “a tad expensive”, and excluding the deal “at 98.8%”. However, he specified that when he spoke of certain things, Ibra did not “send him to hell”. So who knows what the current CEO of the Brianza club does not decide to work on the remaining 0.2% …


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