DFL guide – league plans with viewers – sport

The German Football League has sent guidelines for the re-admission of spectators to the stadiums for the clubs in the first and second Bundesliga. As the DFL announced on Wednesday, they wanted to support the clubs in developing site-specific concepts. It had been submitted to the Federal Ministry of Health for evaluation in advance. A ministry spokesman said in Berlin that the DFL concept takes “essential aspects of infection protection” into account. The DFL referred to the specifications of the ministry, according to which the consistent compliance with the highest infection protection standards is a basic prerequisite to make football games with the public possible again.

According to the DFL, even partial admission of viewers should always be dependent on regional infection events. In addition, the local concepts are decisive, which must be approved by the responsible health authorities on site. The ministry of department head Jens Spahn (CDU) emphasized: “Among other things, it is important to reduce the number of spectators in order to keep the minimum distance of 1.50 meters, to avoid standing room, concepts for safe arrival and departure as well as the ban on alcohol in the Stadion.” However, the clubs would have to “actually live the concept and tailor it to the respective stadium with the responsible local authorities”. 1. FC Union Berlin had previously announced that they wanted to play in a full stadium at the start of the new season in September. All stadium visitors should be tested for the corona virus beforehand.



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