Cristiano Ronaldo manages to score (finally) a direct foul with Juve

43 attempts. 43 are many attempts, but the day came. He got it. At last. Cristiano Ronaldo marked this Saturday his first direct foul since wearing the shirt of the Juventus after 43 unsuccessful attempts and contributed to his team’s 4-1 win in the derby against Torino, on the thirtieth day of the A league.

Cristiano He overtook goalkeeper Salvatore Sirigu, a former player from Osasuna or Seville, among others, with a curved shot from 20 meters and ended with a “curse” that accompanied him from his signing for the Juventus, in July 2018.

CR7 He has 25 goals in this league campaign. He Juventus momentarily anticipates Lazio for seven points, waiting for the Roman team to do, when there are eight days to go until the end of the A league.


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