Bordeaux, the door open to Laurent Blanc

In the midst of a crisis, the Girondins de Bordeaux are on the verge of losing their coach, Paulo Sousa having obviously decided to return his apron. Who better then Laurent Blanc to put the house in order?

It is another blow for Bordeaux, already weakened by the procrastination of its management and the persistent growl of its supporters. Tired of this deleterious context and the club’s poor communication, Paulo Sousa would have chosen to stop the costs, 15 months after his arrival at the bedside of the Girondins. The Lusitanian coach informed the briscards of the locker room this Thursday, the Koscielny, Costil and Briand, deploring for the last time the artistic vagueness in which he has been evolving since March 2019.

Linked to the scapular until 2022, the former strategist of the Fiorentina will not go to the end of his lease, it is almost acquired. Unless President Frédéric Longuépée leaves in person! As soon as an agreement has been reached with its managers, the person concerned will fly according to L’Equipe. And why not to land in the country, on the Lisbon side where Benfica, also in the midst of a crisis, has just registered the departure of its coach Bruno Lage? A Lisbon club which, according to the Portuguese press – Bola at the head – dreams of a shoe size such as Mauricio Pochettino or Massimiliano Allegri to correct the situation. The name of a certain Laurent Blanc being also blown …

A “very ambitious” project?

However, Laurent Blanc is none other than the Bordeaux sea serpent. The absolute idol dreamed of by the Atlantic Matmut, this enclosure too recent to have thrilled the exploits of the teams led by the one we nicknamed “the President”. Not long ago, the interested party, which is becoming rare in the media, admitted with a bit of nostalgia not to regret the smallest part of its Gironde adventure. « I speak very easily of my years in Bordeaux because it is a very good memory », he confided then. And the rumor of sending him back to Aquitaine a few weeks later while Franck Passi, one of his most loyal lieutenants, left Niort’s bench.

The Chamois, this June 8, wanted to be categorical in their press release: ” In accordance with what was expected upon his arrival in January 2020, he (Franck Passi, editor’s note) gave his word to Laurent Blanc to accompany him on a very ambitious sports project this summer. We tried to get him to reverse this commitment but he did not want to renege on his promise and that is all to his credit. Deprived of challenge since June 2016 and his departure from PSG, Laurent Blanc recently collaborates with Jorge Mendes and has an eye on the Premier League. Only now that the place is free, the call of the fold could not quite leave him insensitive. The former coach of the France team (2010-2012) began his coaching career in Bordeaux, winning in 2009 the first of his four French champion titles as a coach. The Ultramarines, currently angry with their club, would see him close the loop.

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