Bluger change marks goal with a goal in the “Penguins” training match (VIDEO)

Theodore Bluger (right) Photo: Pittsburgh “Penguins”

The National Hockey League (NHL) club Pittsburgh Penguins striker Theodor Blugers scored with a pass in the training game that did not save his Gold side from losing to Black 2: 5.

NHL units continue to prepare for the resumption of the season. 16 teams, including the Penguins, will play in the play-in series in early August with up to three wins to enter the quarterfinals of the conferences. The Pittsburgh unit will face the Montreal Canadiens, the first game will take place on the night of August 2 at 3:00 Latvian time.

One test match is scheduled for each team. The Penguins will take it away on July 28 at 23:00 Latvian time against Philadelphia Flyers. Clubs continue to play training games in which hockey players are divided into two teams. Tonight’s fourth practice match between “Gold” and “Black” penguins ended with 2: 5. Brandon Tanev scored the first goal for Gold after Bluger’s pass.

In the training match, the Latvian played with his usual partners – Zaku Aston-Risa and Brandon Taneva. It is expected that this string will also be used in official games. During the season, the trio have played the most of the Penguins attack ranks together.

It has already been reported that on the night of July 24, the Pittsburgh team played the third training game (3: 3), in which Blugers scored.

Also in the team’s second training match (3: 3), which was held on July 21, the Latvian striker was punctual.

This is the second NHL season for Bluger. He has played in 69 matches, where he has thrown nine discs and made 13 assists.


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