Barakaldo convenes the Extraordinary General Assembly on July 21


Archive image of the assembly held in December 2019. / Borja Agudo

It will take place in the Lasesarre field around 6:30 p.m.

The Barakaldo calls its partners on Tuesday July 21 to hold an Extraordinary General Assembly. This Assembly will take place at 6:30 p.m. on first call and at 7:00 p.m. on second call in one of the stands of the field of Lasesarre. These types of meetings used to take place at the Lasesarre Sports Center, but this time it has been ruled out for reasons of space and protocol, and thus be able to maintain social distance, according to the newspaper from the club. The manufacturing entity requests the maximum possible assistance “due to the importance of the points to be treated”, as stated in the statement.

The agenda includes six different items. First, the reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. Then, the approval of the balance of the last two campaigns will be voted on. The balance of the 2018/19 season was not approved by the partners during the Orlando Saiz legislature and now the new Board of Directors will try to channel the situation. The fourth point indicates that it will be devoted to “proposals of the Management Board”, where annual membership fees will be discussed, among other matters. By last, Another vote will be held to approve the budget for the next academic year.. A season in which the Barakaldo will aspire to ascend to the new Second B Pro. The last of the points will be devoted to the requests and questions from the partners.

Likewise, the factory Board of Directors offers the possibility to its members to access from next Monday the documentation that will be presented at the Extraordinary General Assembly. Those interested should simply send the corresponding request to the following email: [email protected].



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